Feckenham CC

Feckenham CC

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FCC 5050 Club

FCC 5050 Club

How does It work?

Set up a standing order to the club between the 10th-18th of any month, paying FCC £5 or more. Each £1 that is paid into the draw is assigned a unique number.

At the end of the month a number is drawn and the owner of that winning number receives half of the pot, with the remaining half going into the club.

What are the details for the standing order?

Account Name

Feckenham Cricket Club Development Fund

Account Number


Sort Code



Your Name (This is very important)

What are we fundraising for?

As a club we are always looking to raise funds for various projects as well as the day to day running of the club. We are currently looking to invest in new a new netting facility to improve our practice capabilities and we are looking to expand our clubhouse to maximise the potential of the club.

Fundraising ideas...

We are always looking for fundraising ideas and welcome any. If you have any ideas of ways the club could raise funds then please reach out to one of the below club contacts.

members nameclub role
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